The Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates is a team of nationally respected Massachusetts personal injury lawyers committed to helping injury victims and their families recover fair and just money damages who have suffered injuries through no fault of their own. Our highly dedicated Boston, MA car accident lawyers will handle all of your legal needs. Please contact our expert Boston law office at 617-787-3700 or by email at, 24/7, to receive your free and confidential consultation.
Eighty-one year-old Marie Dipilla was struck by a moving vehicle while working as a school crossing guard in Orange County, California back in 2011. The driver, Yadir Ramirez, drove into a school crossing intersection and struck the crossing guard with his right front fender. The car accident caused the elderly woman to suffer severe hip, back and leg injuries. Even after three years of recovery and rehabilitation, Dipilla’s treating neurosurgeon indicated that she suffered from continuing pain and disability as a result of the 2011 auto accident.
The injury case was filed in Orange County Superior Court. Lawyers for Dipilla and the defendant’s insurance company met several times for negotiation and mediation to no avail. Initially, the insurance company offered to pay only $80,000. This figure was declined, and mediations continued. Eventually, both parties were able to agree on the amount of $249,000 to settle the case. A judge in Orange County Superior Court recently approved the settlement amount.